Anticipated How Billionaires Would Take Over Democracy

and How We Can Get It Back


Santa Cruz, Calif.—In her prescient, eye-opening new book America Abandoned: The Secret Velvet Coup That Cost Us Our Democracy (pub. date 9-26-16), author and political activist Jill Cody minced no words by writing that if a billionaire ever became president the Velvet Coup would be accomplished. It happened weeks later.


As Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Thomas Friedman stated regarding the 2016 election results: “This is a moral 9-11. Only 9-11 was done to us from the outside and we did this to ourselves.”


Cody explains in her book how the Velvet Coup was accomplished from the inside and that its goal was the corporate and billionaire takeover of the United States government. Cody also identifies key individuals and actions, what Millennials confront, and organizations fighting on democracy’s frontlines. More importantly, she includes Stand Up activities to stimulate Peak-Citizenship in order to recapture the democracy our founders designed.


The individuals who executed the coup view America’s resources and people as nothing more than new avenues of profit. Proposed Cabinet members are all millionaires and billionaires solidifying the coup. Their goal will be to destroy government and privatize public programs and resources by using code words such as “reform, efficiency, and modernization.” If America is run like a business, then it is no longer a country.



“From right wing conservatives to Wall Street fat cats, progressive writer Jill Cody delivers a no-holds-barred look at a country that’s becoming politically, morally and financially bankrupt.” — Thom Hartmann, nationally syndicated talk show host and bestselling author.



America Abandoned is Jill Cody’s first book. Her life-long passion for knowledge and desire to inspire change in politics, the environment, higher education and organizational development led her to pursue a 31-year career in public service. She was personally trained and authorized by Vice President Al Gore to share his presentation on An Inconvenient Truth. She has assisted in coordinating national and international strategic planning meetings on Information Literacy in Washington D.C., Prague and Egypt. Cody earned a master’s degree in public administration from San Jose State University and, currently is a columnist for OpEdNews. Jill Cody is available for speaking engagements.


AVAILABILITY: Santa Cruz, nationwide by arrangement and via telephone


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